About us

The construction company I.N.V.E.S.T. a.s. was founded by Ing. Jozef Hutko and Ing. Vladimír Mušák. Both executive managers and owners of the company have worked together in a different construction business unit from 1993 and used their years of experiences for the foundation of their own company in May 2001. We have completed several bigger building, but also a lot of smaller buildings and building constructions. The construction work is focused mainly on buildings, engineering and also extending to water management construction.

  The company employs 50 qualified workers continuously and owns the machinery dedicated for their work as well as technique required for the realization of the construction in high quality. The company gained several certifications of the quality and expertise during its existence.

Aktuálne projekty

Zariadenie pre seniorov Rudňany Detail Obytný komplex ZVOLEN, Tepličky – Pod Strážou, bytové domy A3 + A4 Detail Dostavba areálu MTS Krivá – etapa II. Novostavba objektu AB3 a prepoj s výrobnými halami Výrobná hala H4 Detail
Zobraziť dalšie aktuálne projekty

Realizované projekty

Prístavba ZŠ a telocvične Kráľová pri Senci Detail Skladová a výrobná hala SVI Liptovský Hrádok Detail Prístavba jedálne MST Liptovský Mikuláš Detail A3UM polyfunkčný objekt Rovinka Detail Julianin dvor Bratislava Vrakuňa Detail Rodinný dom so záhradným domčekom Zeleneč Detail
Zobraziť dalšie realizované projekty

Sme certifikovaná spoločnosť

Spĺňame prísne štandardy a neustále vylepšujeme naše služby

Aj Vaša firma sa môže stať jedným z našich partnerov


Predseda predstavenstva
Ing. Jozef Hutko
0907 812 845

Podpredseda predstavenstva
Ing. Vladimír Mušák
0907 812 846